Brett Hailey joins Bird & Bird


Bird & Bird has welcomed partner BRETT HAILEY to its London office and International Aviation Sector Group. Brett is recognised as a leading aircraft financing and leasing lawyer and brings more than 20 years of experience in the aviation sector. 

Brett has worked in London, Paris, Singapore and Istanbul. He has experience acting for lenders and export-credit agencies and also for airframe and engine manufacturers on a broad range of financing structures. 

He has acted for airlines on major fleet renewal programmes and has also advised airlines and lessors on leasing and financing transactions. Brett was seconded to J.P. Morgan in 2012 as senior consultant advising on a large number of export-credit financings. He joins Bird & Bird from SNR Denton. 

Paul Briggs, co-head of the Aviation Group commented, “Brett’s bringing two decades worth of big ticket aircraft finance experience. Our International Aviation Sector Group has grown considerably over the past ten years and we are implementing plans to keep growing. Although we currently do a lot of aircraft leasing, financing and commercial transactions, Brett’s joining completes out team capability to handle more complex financings and to act for lenders and lessors in aircraft finance transactions.”

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