

Strategic Alliances: Trends & Tips

The Information Technology (IT) and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) industry is competitive, fast-paced and dynamic. It forces companies to re-invent their business models in regular intervals for sustainable growth and continued profitability, writes Rajat Rashmi....

A Harsh Penalty

The DIFC Courts recently issued a judgement in which Article 18 of the Employment Law was considered for the first time. Jamie Liddington interprets the provision and explores its potential impact on employers.  DIFC Law No.4...

A New Path or Shaky Ground?

To what extent can the DIFC Court be used as a conduit for the enforcement of a foreign judgement in Dubai? Damian Crosse and Christopher Young talk about the latest decision taken by the Courts.  Enforcement...

Transforming the Global Gas Trade

Gas exporters in the Middle East will need to be aware of the implications of the expected rise of LNG exports from the United States, which has the potential to affect global and regional pricing trends....

The Next Frontier of Islamic Finance

Tarek El-Assra explores the scope, benefits and risks of Shari’ah-compliant crowdfunding in the Middle East with an insight into why regulations are critical for its development.  The concept of crowdfunding is a recent phenomenon that first...

When the regulator comes knocking…

Regulated companies or individuals within the DIFC may well find themselves subjected to an investigation by DFSA. Rajesh Vyakarnam examines the DFSA’s role, its powers and what you can do to be prepared. Firms operating within...

Arbitration in post-sanctions Iran

Aarta Alkarimi and Mahdi Arjomandi set out some of the key points relating to the Law of International Commercial Arbitration, centres for arbitration and available institutional rules in Iran.  Lifting of most European Union and secondary...

Policy-driven Infrastructure

Paige Crewson of Stephenson Harwood looks at policy and law developments affecting PPP in the Middle East with a focus on Dubai's new PPP law from a private sector perspective. Governments across the globe have grown...

On the path of sophistication…

Arbitration set to be strengthened by new Federal Arbitration Law. Paul Taylor talks about how the new law will support the use of arbitration in the UAE. Recent announcements[1] by the UAE Minister of Economy, Sultan...

DIFC Courts – A Conduit Jurisidiction?

Legal practitioners in the UAE are familiar with the process involved in enforcing arbitral awards and foreign judgments in the Dubai Courts but there was until recently some uncertainty over how the DIFC Courts would treat...

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