Lex Mundi launches new Global Climate Change Law Guide for GCs
Lex Mundi, in conjunction with members of the Lex Mundi Environmental Group and the Lex Mundi Energy and Natural Resources Industry Group, has published a new interactive guide – Lex Mundi Global Climate Change Law Guide.
Lex Mundi’s complimentary guide has been developed to help in-house counsel understand the spectrum of relevant policies, measures and legislation related to climate change regimes in more than 30 jurisdictions around the world.
With climate and environmental issues dominating the global risks ranking produced by WEF ahead of its recent summit in Davos – it is becoming imperative that legal functions within organisations understand how relevant climate change laws apply to and inform, the way in which they conduct their business.
Specific questions and topics addressed in the guide include: National Policies, GHG Emission Trading Schemes, Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Efficiency Measures, Financial Institutional Measures and Prominent Litigation Cases.
“Whether your legal team is undertaking energy transition measures or advising senior management on the impact of proposed climate change policy, Lex Mundi’s new guide provides in-house counsel with valuable insights on the pace of regional legal climate change, how it affects their role within a company, how legislation in different countries may impact long-term strategy, risk-mitigation analysis, and how frontrunners could affect the rest of the world” explains Marloes Brans, partner and head of climate change at Houthoff (Lex Mundi member firm for The Netherlands).
The guide’s interactive and innovative format allows users to search for and download an individual jurisdiction’s report or compare multiple jurisdictions in a side-by-side customizable report. The Lex Mundi Global Climate Change Law Guide can be accessed free of charge on the Lex Mundi website at www.lexmundi.com/lexmundi/Global_Climate_Change_Law_Guide.asp.
“Climate change is a pertinent issue as we move into the new decade. Lex Mundi is pleased to curate this thought- leadership global guide to assist both in-house and outside counsel in navigating these often-updated regulations. Our guide will be regularly updated with current changes and new jurisdictional responses.” comments Lauren Smith, Lex Mundi business development manager.